Hire a PHP Developer: 9 Best Sites to Hire Top PHP Developers

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June 29, 2024

If you want your project to be successful, you must hire the right PHP developers. Workers who assist your company or business need to be experienced, effectively communicative, and excellent at following instructions. With a massive market, finding a developer that meets all of these requirements can feel like searching for a need in a haystack. 

Perhaps you’re looking for someone who can: ‍

  • Use open-source PHP frameworks like Laravel, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, and Symfony for development projects.
  • Utilize content management systems like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and Magento for web development.
  • Use their PHP programming skills to create web applications on a part-time basis for your startup.
  • Work with programming languages like Javascript, CSS, HTML, and Python on your Ecommerce site.

Fortunately, several freelancing hubs have opened on the internet and made this process easier than digging through that mountain-high stack of CVs. Using these websites, you can narrow down your search results and find individual reviews for each developer you hire. 

For finding PHP developers, these sites can be an asset because your task’s difficulty is always directly tied to your PHP Freelancer’s experience and ability. 

9 Best Freelancing Sites for Hiring PHP Developers

With so many competing sites on the market, it’s only right to do some research and see which has the strongest appeal to you and your business. We compiled the list below (in no particular order) to highlight each site’s attributes regarding freelance PHP programmers.

1. Toptal


One of Toptal’s biggest attractions is its quality guarantee. They have an extensive vetting process and are also flexible with revisions. The goal here is to have customers leave satisfied with a service or product that matches their vision or requirements. 

Toptal also prioritizes communication abilities in their application process. If you’ve worked with freelancers before, you know that communication is just as important as ability. If your developer is silent or not responding in time, it can delay the process and lead to mistakes.

In addition to better communication, Toptal also boasts about its delivery times and failure rates. According to their site, average freelance services and online competitors will only have a worker for you in 1 to 4 months. Toptal can do it in 0 - 3 weeks. The failure rate is very low on their site compared to low for typical freelancers and very high for other sites. 

Right now, you can try Toptal to find a PHP expert risk free. For the first two weeks of the assignment, you won’t have to pay an invoice or a cancellation fee if you are unsatisfied. 

Learn More: 

  1. Go to Toptal.
  2. Read our Toptal Review.
  3. Find Toptal Alternatives.

2. Fiverr


Fiverr is one of the most prominent players in the game of online freelance services. It had 2.4 million customers in 2019, ordering from over 160 countries. It has earned accolades as the leading freelance service and recommended to business owners to find workers. 

Fiverr works well with small businesses. 75% of their customers are small business owners or employees. These businesses are continually growing and starting up, so Fiverr services’ demand is very high. The reason people choose Fiverr is that it’s proven to help them grow through low prices and effective marketing.

Speaking of cheap, did you know Fiverr got its name because everything on their site used to cost $5? This incredible price has changed slightly, but many inexpensive services are still available. Prices remain low because of Fiverr’s massive and competitive reserve of sellers. Sellers will lower their rates all over the world to compete and excel in their respective countries. 

Fiverr’s small issue is that it doesn’t have much of a screening process for its sellers. You’ll have to rely on reviews and their overall rating on the site to decide which developer is right for your needs. It’s also much more popular with copywriting, editing, and digital marketing than straight IT and development work like a PHP web developer. 

Learn More: 

  1. Go to Fiverr.
  2. Read our Fiverr Review.
  3. Find Fiverr Alternatives.

3. OnlineJobs.ph


The search engine on Online Jobs (a Philippines-based freelancing platform)  is what makes it so effective at finding high-quality developers (for PHP and other programming languages) for high-quality assignments. The in-depth filtering system allows for several specific variables to search from like monthly salary, employment type, ID Proof Score (how likely it is that person is who they say they are), and their last time active on the site.

For most virtual reviews, numbers are skewed by politeness. People will award five stars to just about anybody that doesn’t destroy their assignment. 

Online Jobs customers are limited to only three five-star reviews and six four-star reviews. This rating system makes sure that those who receive a high star rating deserve it. 

Online jobs also charge a flat monthly fee instead of a significant overhead or service charge. While with other freelance sites, you might get caught paying a percentage for the service, OnlineJobs just provides you with software development specialists at no additional cost. This way, less money leaves your pocket, and more of it finds its way directly to the PHP developer you’re hiring. 

Learn More: 

  1. Go to OnlineJobs.ph.
  2. Read our Onlinejobs.ph Review.
  3. Find Alternatives to Onlinejobs.ph.

4. Lemon.io


Lemon.io is excellent because it caters specifically to businesses looking for developers. Getting started is easy. Once you have identified your task, you can simply message the Lemon.io team and they will set you up with a developer who can meet your PHP web development needs. 

On their site, Lemon.io highlights the tiered process of hiring their developers. Beyond just a resume review, they also check references thoroughly and have skills tests to make sure the developers are competent. They claim to only accept applicants with the “work ethic of a deity.”


This service also provides support and updated information about your project. Lemon.io has weekly updates from your PHP developer on your assignment as well as a fully-staffed support system just an email away. 

Price is also something to consider here. While they have a basic package of $40-$60/hour, custom payment plan options will make the project much more affordable. Benefits included in these packages are (among other things): a source +100 developers, developer time tracking, and a replacement guarantee if you’re not happy with your dev. 

Learn More: 

  1. Go to Lemon.io.
  2. Read our Lemon.io Review.
  3. Find Lemon.io Alternatives.

5. Gigster


The main driver for Gigster is, of course, their elastic team system. In this system, a flexible team of developers is available instead of just one or two individuals. The devs will work in shifts fully and effectively during their allotted time on the assignment. 

They claim that elastic staffing has a 60% lower failure rate than traditional staffing mechanisms. 

Beyond this clever way of dividing labor, the developers that work for Gigster are some of the most reputable in the business. The majority hail from top technical schools like MIT, CalTech, and Stanford. If the devs aren’t coming from a famous tech school, they’re probably former employees of a major tech organization like Facebook, Google, and Microsoft. 

Only the top 7% of applicants are approved to work as developers. 

One of the most appealing aspects of Gigster is that they provide a project leader. While other sites will require you to monitor the project and keep up with the devs yourself, Gigster will offer an experienced and dedicated PHP developer to perform these tasks for you. 

Learn More:

  1. Go to Gigster.
  2. Read our Gigster Review.
  3. Find Gigster Alternatives.

6. Triplebyte


Triplebyte is another company that prides itself on its screening process. Not just anyone can become a Triplebyte developer. You have to pass a test and program a simple game using a command line even to qualify. 

People who have undergone the examination to work for Triplebyte have confirmed it is difficult. They compared it to the complex employee screening processes of big tech companies like Google, Facebook, Netflix, and Amazon. You can be sure that any PHP Developer you get from this site is an excellent coder. 

You can also find some diversity for your team through this service. Unconscious bias leads to the tech industry looking somewhat homogenous. With Triplebyte’s algorithm, gender and race will not affect your hiring process. 

Learn More:

  1. Go to Triplebyte.
  2. Read our Triplebyte Review.
  3. Find Triplebyte Alternatives.

7. Arc.dev


Arc.dev is an online marketplace where you can hire technology developing professionals for your PHP projects. It has an extensive screening process that only the top 1.1% of developers overcome. 

After a complex coding challenge, applicants also have to perform well in two rounds of interviews and a final candidate review. After this extensive testing, the company routinely reviews developers to check for efficiency and up-to-date software and coding languages like PHP. 

This site will also get you a PHP developer fast because they have a fourteen-day average fulfilling permanent full-time roles. 

They’re also a low risk with their “Pay When you Hire” policy and Risk-Free Guarantee. You won’t have to pay anything to your developer until they’re officially hired, and during your first three months with the service, you can switch your PHP developer free of charge. 

Learn More: 

  1. Go to Arc.dev.
  2. Read our Codementor Review (now owned by Arc.dev).
  3. Find Arc.dev Alternatives.

8. X-Team


Learning coding languages can be difficult, and no developer knows all of them. What sets X-Team apart from its competitors is the investment they put into their developers. X-Team has training courses for its employees, which allows them to pursue more knowledge while also working professionally in their field of expertise. 

For a language like PHP, this is ideal for finding the right developer. The training can broaden your options when hiring a PHP developer and make sure you are given the best for your team. 

X-Team has an extensive process for selecting the right PHP developer. They consider all of the critical variables: your timezone, skill and expertise, availability, price, industry knowledge, and finally, their personality and cultural fit. The in-house screening process is extensive because they want to make sure you get the perfect developer for your project. 

Learn More:

  1. Go to X-Team.
  2. Read our X-Team Review.
  3. Find X-Team Alternatives.

9. Upwork


Upwork is by far the biggest freelancing online freelancing service. It has over 14 million freelancers. With this big of a community, you can almost certainly find talent. 

If you search for PHP developers on Upwork, you will get 15+ pages of different profiles. On these profiles, you’ll find a brief professional bio for the freelancer, their skillset, the number of jobs they worked, the hours worked in their field, customer reviews, availability, and any other jobs they’re offering. 

The issue with Upwork is that the screening process is not very extensive. To get quality work, you’ll almost always have to ask for previous work from the freelancer and have an interview. Upwork can be a lot more time consuming than services that select the freelancer for you. 

Learn More:

  1. Go to Upwork.
  2. Read our Upwork Review.
  3. Find Upwork Alternatives.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Hiring a Freelance PHP Developer

Now you’re aware of the best online freelance sites for hiring an experienced PHP developer. Let’s look at some everyday things to consider and frequently asked questions regarding the PHP developer hiring process. 

How much experience should a PHP developer have? 

Like with most jobs, hiring someone with 2-3 years of experience is highly recommended, especially if the task is complicated or extensive. 

Signs that show your PHP developer may be inexperienced:

  • Their code doesn’t fit the PHP Standards Recommendations.
  • They consistently repeat software patterns in their code.
  • They aren’t aware of Data Structure or Design Patterns and don’t implement them accurately.

Why are online sites better than physical freelance services for hiring a PHP developer? 

Online services are often cheaper than physical agencies. They also have a much more comprehensive selection of freelancers available. The freelancers have diverse backgrounds and can also find you a worker faster and with less risk. 


Overall, needs are particular. A company's job can vary infinitely from one to the next. That means that you should hire PHP developers who are tailored precisely to whatever web development services you need. 

These sites can expand the list of applicants you have at your disposal and, in many cases, even select the perfect worker for the job you have. Don’t be afraid to begin the process today by clicking the links above. You know what you need to know, now let’s get to work! 

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We Examined 9 Websites to Hire a PHP Developer Online

Information accurate from public sources as of 07.07.2020

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4.7 out of 5 stars

Ratings: 221

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