Fiverr Review: Is Fiverr Worth It for Hiring?

Jason Quey
February 15, 2024

They say that price is a measure of quality. But is that always true?

From my experience, price and quality isn’t a perfect correlation. (And I bet you can recall moments having this same experience too). The imperfect correlation is especially when hiring freelancers. Fiverr set out to prove you can get quality work at a low price. With Fiverr, you could hire folks to complete tasks like writing a Shakespearean sonnet to being your Fortnite coach. And people would gladly do these gig for $5.

Since then, Fiverr has had a stronger focus on B2B services with Fiverr Pro. Big brands from Paypal to Payoneer use Fiverr Pro to get quality work done and off their plate.

Is Fiverr right for your business? 

I’ll help you answer that question in this Fiverr review...

Looking for more information about another hiring website?

  1. For hiring developers, check out Toptal,, and Codementor.
  2. For hiring designers, check out DesignBro, DesignHill, and 99Designs.
  3. For all hiring needs, including overseas outsourcing, check out OnlineJobs, and Upwork.
  4. You can check out a list of website hiring reviews here.

Fiverr praise and pros

One of the biggest benefits of hiring on Fiverr is how fast you can hire someone to work at a reasonable price. Especially for a pre-defined project.

Let’s say you want to hire someone on Fiverr to improve your SEO:

Fiverr praise and pros

You can filter workers by:

  1. Specific services, such as Page Optimization, Off-Page SEO, Technical SEO, and Competitor Analysis.
  2. Service options, such as industry expertise (e.g. tech, e-commerce, and health & wellness), and more specific services.
  3. Seller qualifications or details, such as Fiverr seller level, languages they speak, and where they live.
  4. Delivery time, from 24-hour turnaround to as long as you need.
  5. Budget, from $5 to pro gigs at $5,000 or more.
  6. Pro services, which shows those Fiverr screens as pro verified (more on this in a moment).
  7. Who is online right now, by clicking “Online Sellers.”

A common objection you may hear to hiring on Fiverr is the low quality work... 

But this next example shows that Fiverr workers deliver promising results.

In 2016, AdEspresso tested three marketplaces: Fiverr, 99Designs, and Upwork. Their goal was to hire a few designers to A/B test their Facebook ads

Fiverr praise and pros

Of the three freelance marketplaces, Fiverr had the highest click-through rate (CTR) of 0.91% and lowest cost-per-click (CPC) of $0.37. 

AdEspresso’s designer beat the Fiverr designer with a 1.5% CTR and $0.33 CPC, which may decrease as the ad quality score improves. 

But that’s not an apples-to-apples comparison. 

Fiverr costs only $5 for one graphic. For you to hire AdEspresso’s designer, it would take time to find, hire, train, and pay for ongoing costs. The value of hiring a quality freelancer is you don’t need to keep paying them until you’re ready for them to go full-time.

Unsure who to hire? Consider working with a Fiverr Pro…

Fiverr began with a promise to find simple professional services at $5. As entrepreneurs had bigger projects and freelancers wanted bigger paychecks, the gigs began to expand.

Then in 2017, Fiverr launched Fiverr Pro.

To become a Fiverr Pro, each freelance applicant has to apply and go through three rounds of vetting. 

During the first round, two Fiverr managers will make sure a freelancer has the level of professionalism and experience expected.

Next, the vetting varies on the category the person applies to become a Pro. 

It’s common for Pros to submit a portfolio, a list of past clients, years of experience, and other typical resume info.

Freelancers who get Fiverr's approval receive a “Pro” icon in their profile page:

Fiverr praise and pros

Is every Fiverr hire you make going to be peaches and roses?

Unfortunately, the Fiverr marketplace has several challenges. As every freelance marketplace does. Here are some specific downsides to Fiverr... 

Fiverr complaints and cons

You might feel like the Fiverr market has become saturated with desperate college kids and third-world workers willing to do anything for $5. This makes Fiverr a fantastic opportunity to hire a virtual assistant to do odd jobs you want off your plate.

But when you hire out strategic work like design, marketing, and coding, you’ll want to carefully screen $5 candidates.

For this type of work, the likelihood of you finding someone who isn’t pro verified and worthwhile is lower than most freelance marketplaces. (This is why I recommend you hire a Fiverr Pro for strategic work).

If you’re not careful with who you hire, the work you get back is not just bad, but  near impossible to use.

In some instances, not only will it require more work from you, but it will set your growth back more than it is right now.

What are potential dangers of hiring a bad freelancer to do strategic work on Fiverr?

  1. Designers on Fiverr might re-sell copyrighted work. Very few entrepreneurs I know want to deal with the lawsuits and legal work of copyright infringement.
  2. SEO marketers on Fiverr might use automated tools or a spammy service, which sends a horde of trash links to your website. You might get an initial boost from your search rankings in Google. But once Google sees you gaming the system, they’ll hit your site with a penalty which will tank your traffic. Remember, they’ve got a team of PhDs screening for shady shenanigans.
  3. Developers on Fiverr will deliver ridiculously unusable code. Your website will be chock full of bugs, causing it to underperform… if it performs at all.

Fiverr seems to attract more low-end freelancers because of its low price positioning. The truth is, you’ll find high and low-quality freelancers on every freelance marketplace.

As a result, you may find Fiverr’s premium Pro services a better investment for doing strategic work.

If you feel Fiverr is not right for you...

Check out our list of Fiverr alternatives.

Fiverr pricing: What’s Fiverr’s fee structure?

As the name implies, most Fiverr gigs will cost you $5. 

Fiverr also released Fiverr Pro, a high-end freelance service. According to Fiverr, only 1% of applicants receive pro status. These hand-selected freelancers often offer services between $500 and $10,000.

When you buy a Fiverr Gig, Fiverr charges you $2 for all gigs that cost up to $40. All gigs above $40 have a 5% fee. Fiverr Pro uses the same fee structure, charging 5% as well.

Although you may view this fee as annoying, these costs are typical for most freelance platforms. This fee covers all processing fees, project disputes, and customer service.

Is Fiverr worth it for hiring?

Whatever work you want off your plate, Fiverr is becoming a go-to destination for any business.

Yes, there are scams and hiring challenges on the platform. But every worthwhile investment has its risks. With Fiverr, you have an extra layer of protection.

I recommend Fiverr’s $5 gigs for mindless work that needs completed. If you’re looking for higher-end services, check out Fiverr’s pro gigs. Companies like Nike and the New York Yankees used Fiverr gigs to improve their business and brand.

You may have just begun your journey from idea to scale. Or you may work at a big company.

No matter what you learn reading our freelance reviews, there’s only one way to get a definite answer to your question. And that’s by registering with Fiverr and experiencing the platform for yourself.

The Product Marketing Agency Serving Entrepreneurs From Idea to Scale

Jason Quey

I am the CEO and Founder of Growth Ramp. I enjoy helping high-growth startups on their journey from idea to scale.

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