Clickworker Review: Is Clickworker Worth It for Hiring?

Jason Quey
February 15, 2024

As of 2020, there are over 179,000 startups in the United States. Unfortunately, there is a 23.1% failure rate within the first year of business. The number one reason startups fail is that the product has no demand, but a close second reason is that the business does not have a reliable team.

Freelance websites like connect you with qualified independent contractors who can help you accomplish large projects that require complex information and detailed tasks. Over 2.2 million freelancers are registered through the platform, each with special qualifications to help you with your specific needs.

Overall, clients have a seamless experience using Clickworker. Though the site is by no means a scam, it’s not for everyone. In this review, you’ll learn how the platform works and the pros and cons associated with the company. 

Looking for more information about another hiring website?

  1. For hiring developers, check out Toptal,, and Codementor.
  2. For hiring designers, check out DesignBro, DesignHill, and 99Designs.
  3. For all hiring needs, including overseas outsourcing, check out OnlineJobs, Fiverr, and Upwork.
  4. You can check out a list of website hiring reviews here.

How Clickworker works

A quick look at entrepreneurial stats shows that 23% of businesses fail because they don’t have the human resources needed to complete tasks on time or on budget. Simply put, you need a reliable, hard-working team to succeed in business. Clearly, hiring just anyone won’t help. 

That’s where Clickworker comes in.

Clickworker has been around since 2005, so the company knows its stuff. The platform has a history of helping businesses and entrepreneurs connect with freelancers through a microtasking marketplace. Each freelancer has specific skills and experiences to match your unique project. 

The matching of freelancer skills to your needs ensures the project specs are handled efficiently and cost-effectively.   

You also have access to a wide range of professionals. The platform gives you access to over 2.2 million freelancers worldwide. These independent contractors are called “Clickworkers,” and the platform doles out digital tasks to each freelancer. 

Similar to Amazon MTurk, Clickworker delegates “microtasks” to freelancers.” However, Clickworker’s process is unique in that each of these micro jobs is part of a larger, more complex task. These microtasks are completed simultaneously by qualified Clickworkers and then merged to complete the full project. 

Before the completed work gets sent to you, the platform runs the work through a quality control system. Their checks and balances ensure that you get the highest-quality results.

Clickworker offers managed services and self-services to clients wanting to hire freelancers.

If you choose managed services, the platform will control the order process, including project consulting, test runs, monitoring, and status reports. 

The self-service option is free and allows you to place your orders within a few categories:

  • Text Creation: Copywriters create content for product descriptions, blog posts, company profiles, guides, and much more. 
  • Translations: Freelancers from all over the world can translate various texts into their first language. Language combinations are available. 
  • Surveys: Targeted groups participate in surveys for research and educational purposes. The integrated survey tool allows you to create your own. 
  • Sentiment Analysis: Clickworkers evaluate text, video, audio, and images. You decide the questions, and two or three freelancers will provide the answers.
  • AI Data Harvesting and Mobile Jobs: The Clickworker mobile app for Android and Apple allows users to gather data via their smartphones. The collected data (image, video, audio recordings) gets sent to the platform for examination before being sent to you.

After you post a project, you’re given control over the workflow via a user dashboard. Self-service is an excellent option for individuals who need straightforward tasks completed on a budget. 

Clickworker has an extensive list of job categories. The company believes that while some of the tasks are usually handled by computers, nothing beats what a human can provide. Many of the categories include jobs that AI can’t or won’t process, like SEO text and online marketing. A few examples of the projects include:

  • Text Creation: category text, guides, glossaries, blog posts, profiles
  • Web Research: competitor research, lead research, personnel recruitment
  • Product Data Management: spreadsheets, PDF files, catalogs, images
  • Image and Video Tagging: tagging file formats, categorizing, electronic markings
  • E-Commerce: SEO text, market information, research, content creation
  • AI Training Data: audio, video, and image data sets

How Clickworker works

Once your project is outsourced to Clickworkers, you can expect to receive quality-controlled results in whatever format you like. You’ll also have access to a client services contact person throughout the project process. 

Clickworker praise and pros

Since its inception in 2005, Clickworker has connected millions of business owners and freelancers through its microtasking marketplace. Below are some of the benefits of using the platform.

It simplifies project management

If you’re a small business (less than 500 employees) trying to handle multiple data-driven projects, it makes sense to use a platform like Clickworker. 

Clickworker takes highly complex projects and makes them approachable through project management best practices. Dividing the work into milestones, providing real-time updates and quality control are ways the platform ensures your satisfaction throughout the project.

Another benefit is that the platform can handle many different kinds of projects, from AI data science to retail and research. The action plans Clickworker provides simplify the process, no matter what type of project or how complex. 

The platform is reliable and easy to use

Placing an order is easy. You can post a job through the Self-Service Marketplace (free) or contact the Managed Service team to handle your project specifications (paid).

To place a self-service order, all you need to do is create a free account, input the project’s title and description, specify the source and language, include project details, and top up your prepaid account to send off the order. And should you need them, the website offers guides and videos to assist you.

Managed services through Clickworker offer tailor-made solutions. Once you reach out to the company’s sales team, they will provide you with a contact person who will guide you step-by-step through the whole process.  

You receive quality work and customer service

Real Clickworker clients rave about receiving high-quality work on time (and sometimes faster) and within budget. Complex tasks are often tedious, and many of the jobs performed require thousands of repetitions and a focus on detail. As you may have noticed, working on such projects can lead to fatigue and mistakes. 

Clickworker provides the close support and project management you require to complete your intricate jobs successfully. Breaking everything down and crowdsourcing allows for faster results.

The quality control the platform provides is also a huge benefit. Not only are the freelancers working on your project vetted through training and tests, but your project goes through quality management procedures like audits, peer reviews, and evaluations before landing back in your hands. 

Clickworker complaints and cons

Most of Clickworker’s negative reviews come from freelancers who can’t find enough work to sustain them. The platform is best used for extra income rather than as a full-time job. 

However, some people can work from home and make real money on the site, depending on the type of project and how many hours they clock. Some freelancers are able to work on additional microjobs through Clickworker’s UHRS website and make more money online that way.

According to Clickworker’s FAQ page, they offer three payment options to their freelancers: PayPal account, SEPA transfers, and Transferwise.

Client complaints are sparse, as most users find the website easy to use and the project management process seamless. A few downsides include:

  • Incompatible to high volumes in specific areas
  • Low learning rate (tasks are completed at the same rate over time)
  • The turnaround time could improve
  • Needs better tracking

These are all relative to the individual user and not typical. 

Clickworker pricing - What’s Clickworker’s fee structure?

Clickworker has two straightforward pricing structures. As mentioned before, you can choose from the free self-service model or the paid managed service model. 

Clickworker pricing - What’s Clickworker’s fee structure?

It’s important to note that, although the self-service method is initially free, there is a monthly license fee and 40% service fee. You will also need to factor in freelancer costs. You can expect to pay anywhere from 1.3 cents per word to 16 cents per word for text creation, editing, and translation. 

Managed service pricing is personalized to your particular project. At this time, the company has not disclosed project fees, and the only way to get information about price plans is by contacting Clickworker directly. 

Clickworker pricing - What’s Clickworker’s fee structure?

Is Clickworker worth it for hiring freelancers?

Overall, Clickworker is a legitimate crowdsourcing platform that offers seamless project management and reliable service. Most clients who have used the website rave about the quality of work received and have very little to no negative reviews. 

One of the perks with Clickworker is that you can expect guidance and updates throughout the hiring process. You’re always in the loop and receive status reports so you can manage your workflow. 

Even the most robust projects won’t be nearly as overwhelming when you hire freelancers through Clickworker. The microtasking system works wonders for anyone who deals with complex data. From AI training to content creation, Clickworker has your back.

If you’re looking to crowdsource your projects, Clickworker is definitely worth considering. If you read this guide and decide that Clickworker is not the right fit, there are many other freelance hiring sites worth looking into. 

The Product Marketing Agency Serving Entrepreneurs From Idea to Scale

Jason Quey

I am the CEO and Founder of Growth Ramp. I enjoy helping high-growth startups on their journey from idea to scale.

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